The Cove Oceanfront Campground is located on the west coast of Nova Scotia in the Fundy Shore and Annapolis Valley region in the village of Parker's Cove. We stayed there on the first night of our vacation.

King says... The drive into the campground was interesting as it's at the bottom of a steep hill where you have to make a 90 degree turn at the bottom either left or right. Better pay attention while driving.The actual campground itself was warm and inviting, it's well kept and groomed on the grounds. It is quite neat, and the office also has a small canteen where you can get your basic campground necessities. The stuff in the store was overpriced, but honestly I have yet to find a campground canteen that isn't - I expect that. We spoke with an Employee who was quite knowledgeable about the campground and it's amenities. Upon her advice we picked one of the sites with a terrific view of the ocean, and paid the premium price for a good site ($50 per night). We paid for some firewood, which is delivered to the site at 7pm, and proceeded to the campsite. The campsite itself wasn't overly large, but it was near a fresh water tap, and close to the bathrooms. The site itself was soaking wet, over 50% of the site was sloshy. The wood was delivered on time, even the Employee was hesitant to walk on the site once she saw all the water and happily let me take it from the road back to the site. While the pool facility was excellent, again very neat and well kept, it's not deep (no more than 7 feet at the deepest part) but that's ok. The pay showers was more than a mild irritation however. Paying a premium price for a substandard tenting site was one thing, having to pay for a hot shower the next day was too much, and I complained about the soggy site and the paid showers, and was frankly ignored.
Honestly, I think that this park is more geared towards RV's and the tenting was likely added as an afterthought. The view of the ocean, and sunrise/sunsets is amazing and that's what you're paying for. However, considering that we've been to other, better sites for less money, I can't give this one a good rating. This campground gets one crown from me.
If you choose to visit this campground, we sincerely hope you have a better experience than we did.
King & Cass